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Tax & Business Consultant

PT. Kaya Prima Solusi is a registered Tax Consultant & Tax Attorney.
We do everything at the highest quality level, to bring value of our services and improve our client business.

Why Choose Us?

PT. Kaya Prima Solusi committed to the continuous improvement of our client business process. As a customer / client-oriented company, we committed our self on continuous improvement to our client business process, as well as ensure compliance with company policy and external regulations.

Quality Services

We give you quality the best quality services for all of your taxation matter.

Valuable Ideas

We bring you the valuable idea based on our expertise and experience.

Competitive Budget

Our prices is competitive in the market


Our Services

Our specialists provide a comprehensive range of services including Taxation, Finance & Accounting Management Consulting. Especially in taxation, we have a strong background in Tax, Dispute Assistance, Tax Advisory services, and Periodic Tax Compliances.


Our taxation service includes tax advisory, monthly tax compliance, annual tax compliance, tax dispute assistance, and tax administration.

Accounting & Finance

Our accounting & finance service includes bookkeeping, budgeting, financial due diligence, compilations of financial statements, and corporate accounting services.

Other Services

We can also help you with payroll services, business process review, standard operational procedure designing, establishment services, and company secretarial services.



Our taxation service includes tax advisory, monthly tax compliance, annual tax compliance, tax dispute assistance, and tax administration.


Accounting & Finance

Our accounting & finance service includes bookkeeping, budgeting, financial due diligence, compilations of financial statements, and corporate accounting services.


Other Services

We can also help you with payroll services, business process review, standard operational procedure designing, establishment services, and company secretarial services.

News Release


Selasa, 25 Oktober 2022  |   Pajak Internasional, Perpajakan, BUT

Bedah Kasus Koreksi Force of Attraction terkait kegiatan Procurement di Indonesia

Koreksi atas Force of Attraction dapat terjadi atau dilakukan oleh Pemeriksa jika dalam transaksi Wajib Pajak di Indonesia dengan Wajib Pajak Luar Negeri yang memiliki perwakilan di Indonesia. Bagaimana tanggapan tim KPS terhadap isu ini?


Senin, 1 Februari 2021  |  Bea Meterai, Investasi

Dari sisi perpajakan, apakah biaya yang dikeluarkan perusahaan untuk melakukan Rapid atau Swap merupakan penambah penghasilan bagi karyawan? Dan apakah dari sisi perusahaan biaya itu dapat dibebankan?


Senin, 1 Februari 2021  |  Bea Meterai, Investasi

Muncul tanda tanya besar untuk investor retail yang setiap harinya bermain dengan lot kecil untuk belajar, apakah sekarang dikenakan biaya materai per transaksinya?

tax service company

Jumat, 29 Januari 2021  |  Covid-19, Perpajakan, PPN

PMK 143/2020 menjadi salah satu bentuk keringan pajak kepada para pebisnis dari pemerintah akibat munculnya pandemi Covid-19. Lantas, seperti apakah perlakuannya?


Jumat, 29 Januari 2021  |  Covid-19, Perpajakan, PPN

PMK 143/2020 menjadi salah satu bentuk keringan pajak kepada para pebisnis dari pemerintah akibat munculnya pandemi Covid-19. Lantas, seperti apakah perlakuannya?

Meet Our ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ Professional Team

Our team is professional and energetic, equipped with tax knowledge from tax brevets. We believe that our experience will be a valuable asset for your business through tax planning and tax management that is calculated appropriately and accordingly.

We work together as a family and we treat all of our consultants equally. We maintain consistently high standards for service and people so that we can always bring the best value of service to bear on every engagement. We’re passionate about tax, accounting as well as business process, we collaborate and share knowledge, capitalizing on our collective expertise to provide you with high quality, tailored services that help relieve the pressures associated with any complex business issues.


Andreas Roy



Vera Dhamayanti

Head of Tax Dept.


Theodora Batubara



Rendy Risandy


Meet Our ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ Professional Team


Andreas Roy



Vera Dhamayanti

Head of Tax Dept.


Theodora Batubara



Rendy Risandy


Our team is professional and energetic, equipped with tax knowledge from tax brevets. We believe that our experience will be a valuable asset for your business through tax planning and tax management that is calculated appropriately and accordingly.

We work together as a family and we treat all of our consultants equally. We maintain consistently high standards for service and people so that we can always bring the best value of service to bear on every engagement. We’re passionate about tax, accounting as well as business process, we collaborate and share knowledge, capitalizing on our collective expertise to provide you with high quality, tailored services that help relieve the pressures associated with any complex business issues.

Our Clients

We have served our clients professionally across the country.